Why Grooms Need Grooming!

We know that most men balk at the idea of anything makeup related (including skincare) but we are here to tell you that this shouldn’t be the case!  Makeup doesn’t need to be a “feminine” thing restricted only to females. In fact, the definition of makeup is the use of cosmetics to enhance or alter appearance.  Wanting to look your best for big events, like your wedding, isn’t a gender-exclusive thing! Everyone from politicians to actors, and bodybuilders rely on men’s grooming to enhance their look for big events.  So many times, we see photos of weddings where the bride looks beautiful and flawless, but the groom looks like he is still recuperating from the last night’s crazy shenanigans. 

So, what IS men’s grooming?  It can change depending on who you go to and what you are looking for!  Gals & Ghouls men’s grooming package includes color correction for any imperfections (acne, redness, dark circles, etc.) as well as products to help with shine and sweating (a serious help for flash photography!).  These are all very lightweight products and will not have you walking around looking like a drag queen (unless that’s what you are looking for, no judgments here!) The package also includes beard and hair styling with products.

Some other services that grooms may want to investigate are getting a manicure.  No, we don’t mean long bright pink nails – but any salon should offer a men’s manicure that involves no polish (unless you want that!) and just a nice cleaning/shaping.  Many wedding pictures focus on the hands and rings so if you are someone who tends to get dirty (gardening, mechanic work etc.) and have a perpetual layer of black under your nails – this may be something you want to think about before getting your hands up close and personal with the photo lens!

For our bearded grooms, finding a good barber to get you evenly trimmed and cleaned up is ideal!  There are even barbers now who specialize JUST in beards and can get you looking less like a caveman and more like a prince!  Same with eyebrows – men often think touching their eyebrows will suddenly make them thin, arched, and feminine. However, taking a few stray hairs while keeping the masculine shape of the brows can make a huge difference in opening and brightening the eyes and overall appearance!

So if you are thinking of getting men’s grooming - for whatever the event - we would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!

We are looking forward to continuing this blog and sharing with you our new projects, behind-the-scenes looks, beauty insights, and more! If you have any questions, or requests for future blog posts, we would love to hear from you!
- Dayna

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